Maintaining good child and parent health is one of our key goals. Healthy parents are better able to look after their child, have high energy levels to educate their child and miss fewer days at work. When your child starts preschool you can expect his or her levels of illness to increase, often dramatically. Don't worry. This is normal. Exposure to these new illness will make your child stronger.

Sometimes sickness seems never ending especially in winter. Often it will even get normally healthy parents severely ill with the flu, cold, lice, hand foot and mouth disease and variety of illness that you may not even have heard of.

It can get so bad it can even become comically funny. Some parents will get angry and blame the school. Don't blame the school or other children. The school is cleaned frequently. We follow strict hygiene standards. But there are a few things you as a parent can do to keep your child and everyone healthy.

Good preparation will ensure that you and your child will recover faster. These are what we call essential building blocks to healthy living in preschool.

Eat Healthy

Pay attention to what you and your child eat. Donuts are not ideal for breakfast. Pay attention to food labels and avoid things like High Fructose corn syrup. While your kids get plenty of exercise at school, don't stay indoors during the weekend. Go for walks and get them to engage in physical activity. Fresh air and exercise will keep them healthy.

Don't get their heads Wet

If it is raining keep their heads covered. Even a few drops will cause a sore throat or cold.

Layer Clothing For Winter

When children play they get hot. When they get hot they take off their jackets! Unfortunately without a jacket and only one layer of clothing for protection, your child is likely to get sick. It starts with a little cold, maybe a chill or maybe a cough. Without a hat this situation becomes even worse,

The best way to reduce illness from this problem is to dress boys and girls with layers of light underclothes. These cannot be removed in a hurry, they absorb sweat and provide a good degree of comfort and protection even if your child removes their jacket.

Change bed sheets

Those dripping noses can just cover the bed sheets with germs. So wash bed sheets at least twice a month or even once a week in hot water. It will also get rid of those dust mites and other allergens that will bring down your child with worst allergies possible.

Go Organic and Fresh

We know parents are busy, but a simple fresh home cooked meal can be made under half an hour. Organic food is expensive, but it's better to have a small piece of fresh organic chicken than a frozen piece of normal chicken that has been defrosted in the microwave. Do like the French. Go to the supermarket everyday and buy just what you need for that day. if you can.

Variety the spice of life

Don't feed them Mac and cheese for dinner everyday and the usual cereal for breakfast. Mix it up. Variety of foods will help children appreciate different foods and give them essential nutrients that come from eating a variety of food. You children do not like mushy food, so make crunchy whole foods that are likely heat. Get them involved in preparing meals. Ask for their opinion on what they like to eat, except sugary foods.

Eat Vegetables

Learn how to cook vegetables. Steam them, lightly stir fry them, braise them, bake them, make a curry or make interesting salad. Not just Broccoli and Carrots. Learn how to cook every vegetable you see in the market.

Avoid food coloring

Did you know that the color Red 40 which is used in candy products including Jello can cause serious side effects? Avoid overly processed food.


During the hot summer months, parents are asked to apply sunscreen before they send their children to school. Also consider sending a hat to protect them from the sun.

Develop better grooming

That means clean clothes and shoes. Wash and brush teeth before coming to school. It makes a huge difference to the child's ability to concentrate when they are fresh and clean. Cut those dirty finger nails. Kids nails should be cut every 5 days or so, not the usual adult interval of 8-9 days as they grow faster.